Friday, January 20, 2012

I think I have figured out a way to put pictures on here and hope to do that asap as it's perhaps the only way I can think of to convey the gray that is today. Oatmeal mornings make for cozy days and a nap will certainly be in order after filling the puddles in the chicken coop with gravel. Motivation is lacking while I gaze out at the drear and drizzle.  Smoked goat feta is sure to be a tough item to find for a recipe I am testing this week and the high-lighted item on my list beckons my attention from the kitchen table. The sickly bright yellow of the marker nearly convinces me that there is light at the end of the head-light lit grocery gathering. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Writing as an exercise in public.

I've never been a fan of exercising in public. I am not one who likes to suffer in front of others. I have always enjoyed writing...but, Facebook aside, It's always been something I keep to myself. Cooking, crafts, photography, my home, my chickens, Jack my dog and my amazing partner Mike keep me almost busy enough. This will be my new  personal yet suddenly public exercise in sharing whatever adventures come my, and by default your, way. Enjoy!